Online Course Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga


In this fully online course, Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga, author and Lifespan Yoga founder Beth Daugherty draws on her extensive experience teaching powerful yoga techniques, daily meditations and stress relief methods to offer you structure for your personal transformation and inspiration for your creative expression, as you experience your own individual yoga story.


In this fully online course, Living the 8 Limbs of Yoga, author and Lifespan Yoga founder Beth Daugherty draws on her extensive experience teaching powerful yoga techniques, daily meditations and stress relief methods to offer you structure for your personal transformation and inspiration for your creative expression, as you experience your own individual yoga story.

In this easy-to-use course, you will find:

  • A video explaining each limb of yoga
  • Textbook with a chapter and activities for each limb
  • Practices for each limb of yoga
  • Use prompts in a Yoga scrapbook, art journal, or use course writings to track progress
  • Numerous worksheets for personal reflection, self-exploration and emotional intelligence enhancement